Join Us

Come join us!  The first rehearsal for our Christmas show is Monday September 9th at Gloria Dei Church on Camp St. at 7:00 p.m.  See if you like it.  Just come in and tell us your name.  Sheet music will be provided.

Membership in Plainville Choral Society is open to adult singers of all experience levels. High School students at least 16 years old are eligible to join.  Students should come to the rehearsal and ask to see the Director. Sorry, but we can’t accept new members after the third rehearsal for the holiday, March and May shows.

Rehearsals are held every Monday, 7:00 to 9:00 pm, at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church on Camp Street, Bristol.

Dues for membership in PCS are $50 per member.

Please note, NO ATTITUDES ALLOWED. If you think we’re not good enough for your talent, you’re probably right. There are no stars in PCS except the ones in our eyes.